My Research Interests
I am a physicist working on condensed matter theories, in particular, strongly correlated quantum many-body systems, and topological orders.
Classification of SPT and SET phases.
Topological phases are new kinds of phases in quantum many-body systems, beyond the Landau's Paradigm of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Part of my research focus on the classification of Symmetry-Protected Topological (SPT) and Symmetry-Enriched Topological (SET) phases, especially ones involving crystalline symmetries.
Accelerating QMC using Machine Learning.
Quantum Monte Carlo is a powerful approach to simulate quantum many-body systems numerically. Using the recent advances in Machine Learning, we develop new algorithms that accelerate QMC simulations.
Quantum spin liquids with topological orders.
Quantum spin liquids belong to a new class of quantum states of matter, known as the topological orders. Part of my research focus on theories of quantum spin liquids, and possible realizations in frustrated quantum magnets.